Our sexual health practitioners are here to offer a range of support interventions to adults living in Blackpool with any sexual health issue; if we cannot directly help we will point you in the right direction. We offer.

  • Sexual health community outreach, our outreach workers are out and about in the Blackpool community, offering safer sex advice and information, access to safer sex resources and engaging with the public
  • STI screening and contraceptive clinic
  • BBV testing including 60 second rapid HIV testing service
  • Chlamydia testing kits (under 25’s)
  • Specialist support to anyone 16 and over living with or affected by HIV
  • Specialist support to anyone 16 and over affected by sexual violence or rape
  • Specialist support provided to sex workers 16 and above
  • Specialist support to LGBQ and T individuals and communities in Blackpool

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Postal condoms

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