Sex Smart, our Sexual Health NetReach Portal.
Built with funding from the Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Digital Pioneer Scheme in 2018. SexSmart is a website aimed at men who have sex with men, with information on sexual health, general health and safer cruising.
The site also features a Chat Applet, where users can speak directly to a Renaissance UK Sexual Health Outreach Worker, for advice and support in confidence.
Visit the site now at
Read our safer sex guides here for Men, Women and the Transgender Community. HERE
or download the guides direct your device
Below The Belt – For Men
I Kissed a Girl – For Women
On The Q.T. – For the Trans Community
Please note that non of your contact details are stored, nor will they be passed onto any third parties prior to deletion. SexSmart, Part of Renaissance is fully GDRP Compliant and more information on this can be found on our home page under “Policies and Guidance”
Please note, this service is currently funded for the Geographic Lancashire Area Only, this includes Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen.
If you seek emergency assistance please dial 999.