Renaissance UK and HORIZON LGBTQ+ are building a research project that will run throughout 2023.
The aim of the project is to gather knowledge from the LGBTQ+ community in Blackpool, to evidence gaps in services that can support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Non binary and queer communities, to live healthier and happier lives.
We know that there are health inequalities within our community, and sometimes, services that offer support, are not understanding of the issues that LGBTQ+ communities face.
We will be conducting a research project, consisting of a survey, one to one interviews and other information gathering techniques, over the coming months and would appreciate your support.

If you identify as LGBTQ+ or any variation thereof or if you support individuals from this community, or if you support, or are a parent or guardian of a young person that is part of this community, then please sign up below, to be the first to be invited to support this research.
Thank you